Hemant Pandey
Aug 18, 20182 min read
What's the best way to increase productivity?
Only known way to increase productivity is through ‘one point focus’. Stop multitasking : If your are eating, only eat and do nothing...
Hemant Pandey
Jun 24, 20181 min read
6 ways to expand knowledge apart from reading books
Apply your knowledge. Knowing is never enough. More you apply better you get. Make notes from books. Revise like exams. One reading is...
Hemant Pandey
Jan 10, 20182 min read
What is your best way to kill the laziness?
I have my own practical solutions. Being a LAZY SLOTH my self, these solutions work pretty well. Get physical : Laziness is both state of...
Hemant Pandey
Aug 3, 20171 min read
What are some of the ways to enhance your common sense?
#Productivity #hemantpandey #PersonalTouchAcademy #IITJEEpreparation